Leaders in Recruiting for Volunteer Roles

In 2024, we published 260 volunteer roles on the TPP website and other sector specialist job boards on behalf of charities, allowing them to continue delivering vital services and making an impact in communities.

As part of our Giving Back programme, we enable charities and non-profit organisations to advertise their volunteer roles for free. We promote these roles on our website, LinkedIn and the CharityJob employment board.

Volunteers are integral to the operations of the third sector. Still, it can be difficult for potential volunteers to approach an organisation or for charities to connect with individuals willing to donate their time and skills for a cause they believe in. This is where TPP can help. We pass applications directly to the organisation looking for volunteers, whether they’re trustees or volunteering to help with events, reading, or more specialised roles such as platform testers and SME champions. 

  • info@tpp.co.uk
  • 020 7198 6000
  • TPP Recruitment, Northern & Shell Building, 4th Floor, 10 Lower Thames Street, London, EC3R 6AF