
  • Voluntary
  • UK


Global Education and Development cic is a pluralist association active in the field of education for peace, values, cooperation, environment and global citizenship with people of all cultures, backgrounds, ethnicities and philosophical beliefs. It offers children, teenagers and adults training, activities and educational tools to encourage them in becoming actors of positive change in themselves and in their environment 

The organization has been active for more than twenty years in offering sessions, trainings, research, seminar, talks, activities and educational tools for children, adolescents and adults, encouraging them in becoming agents of positive change in themselves and in their environment. Thus helping create a realist and sustainable development. The organisation is recognized as a National Youth Organisation in Belgium, as well as a European Youth Organisation by the European Youth Federation under the Council of Europe. It also has an accredited special consultative status with the United Nations’ Economic and Social Council since 2018.

The three foundational programs:

Peace and Value Education: 

The organisation conducts systematic weekly Peace Classes and Creative Peace Workshops in formal and non-formal educational settings for the young people of all ages. Example, for same groups over an extended time-period of at least a year or more. The active curriculum includes the five learning dimensions of friendship, universal values, emotions, conflict resolution and mediation and the global consciousness of peace.

It also organises regular thematic day camps for young people along with occasional residential and family retreats where all the generations learn, enjoy and relax having diverse educational, adventurous and cultural activities in an ambient peace and value environment. The emphasis is always in learning peace, values, cooperation, environment and global citizenship. 

Citizenship Integration and Interculturality: 

These are the training courses catered towards the social integration and understanding of the people of diverse national and cultural backgrounds. In Interculturality, through festive organisations, it educates the local population as well as the diversity background people for having an open and positively healthy inclusive attitude towards each other mutually.  

Centre for Study, Training and Research: 

This centre is called the School of the World. It promotes study and learning in the field. It also conducts facilitators’ / animators’ and official teachers’ trainings on the themes and their application like those of prevention and solution of school bullying through training teachers and accompanying schools facing the challenge, positive class room management, cooperative learning etc.. The centre as well makes associated research, collaborations and learning innovations in the approach and method of peace and value education, in intercultural and social integration within diverse situations such as migration and other particular social contexts.

We are also having programs such as:

  • Global Citizenship trainings in becoming a wise and positive planetary being.
  • Conscious Breathing teaching as a peace and value application towards calm, focus and conscious.
  • Smart Parenting, Coaching and Mentoring for children, couple and family safe wellbeing.

These are the interesting programs and a brief introduction for the organization Global Education and Development cic. 

We are looking for interested and enthusiastic volunteers to help us in our projects in the United Kingdom. Thanks!

This role is advertised as part of TPP's Free Giving Back Services. This volunteer advertisement copy has been supplied to TPP and applicants apply direct to the organisation. Please contact the organisation directly if you have any questions about this volunteer role.


Nikki Waite Marketing Assistant

Apply for this role

  • info@tpp.co.uk
  • 020 7198 6000
  • TPP Recruitment, Northern & Shell Building, 4th Floor, 10 Lower Thames Street, London, EC3R 6AF