Success Stories

Altogether Better Inclusive Recruitment Grant - Women in Prison

About Women in Prison

Women in Prison (WIP) is a national charity that delivers support for women affected by the criminal justice system in prisons, in the community and through their Women's Centres. They campaign to end the harm caused to women, their families and our communities by imprisonment.

Their vision is of a society which no longer accepts the structural inequalities that lead women and girls into contact with the criminal justice system. 

They work collaboratively in the community, custody and in prisons with women and girls facing structural inequalities through programmes and campaigns that challenge and change oppressive systems.

Women in Prison logo

Why Women in Prison applied for the grant

WIP wanted to ensure their recruitment campaign attracted a broad range of candidates and that they were able to communicate their message within the most appropriate channels that would bring the diversity they required. In addition, as an organisation they wanted to ensure that they were providing the right tools for any individual, to enable them to do their role to the best of their ability and remain on the board.

What TPP did

Following our appointment to search for a Trustee with fundraising specialism for Women in Prison, we carried out a headhunting campaign based on industry research backed up by database search and online marketing on several sector specific job boards including Charity Jobs, Even Break, ICAEW Volunteers, Women on Boards and LinkedIn.

The opportunities were also promoted to around 500 candidates on our database – comprising of those we know that are actively looking for Trustee work and who are fundraising specialists.

Overall, we received 122 expressions of interest from which 23 candidates applied. 

We carried out a paper shift process using a scoring methodology against the criteria questions below.  Candidates who scored above 20+ were shortlisted, of which there are 10. 

As part of our recommended inclusive recruitment process, CV’s were anonymised deleting reference to name and education

Inclusive hands tree

What TPP achieved

In general, we received a very positive response from candidates and received a high level of interest, noticeably more than previously experienced on other fundraising Trustee recruitment campaigns.

It was a campaign that really resonated with many fundraisers. Those who were approached directly and declined, or who had shown interest but decided against submitting felt they did not have the time to commit to a Trustee role, were already a Trustee, felt it might be a conflict of interest, or felt other people would be better suited, but many did reply to say they were honoured, or very happy to have been considered. 

Out of the 10 shortlisted, two had direct experience of the criminal justice system.

Diversity data

As part of the process, TPP gathered data to monitor the diversity of applicants to the role. Below are some of our key findings.





“Women in Prison is committed to inclusive recruitment. This grant from TPP will support us to learn, and improve our processes so that we can continue to embed inclusivity into our board recruitment.  We are thrilled to be able to have this support at a time when our resources are strained – this will make a real difference to us. The appointed candidate has been a great asset to us, a really active and engaged board member – we are very happy! ”

Sonya Ruparel, Women In Prison

Do you need recruitment support for an upcoming campaign?

If you have been inspired by this case study and would like to discuss how TPP can support you with your hiring needs get in touch below.

Contact us
  • 020 7198 6000
  • TPP Recruitment, Northern & Shell Building, 4th Floor, 10 Lower Thames Street, London, EC3R 6AF