Success Stories

The Resuscitation Council UK - Recruitment of two Trustees

About The Resuscitation Council UK

The Resuscitation Council UK (RCUK) approached TPP Recruitment in March 2022 with their search to appoint two Trustees

The Resuscitation Council UK are an organisation focused on saving lives through the delivery of evidence-based clinical guidance, training courses and initiatives to ensure everyone across society has the skills they need to save a life.

The Resuscitation Council UK Logo

What RCUK wanted to achieve

Set against a context of an increased public consciousness of cardiac arrest and ambitious plans for growth in terms of both service delivery and engagement/influencing, the Board had identified the need to strengthen their expertise in terms of Commercial Strategy.  

They were looking for Trustees who had a background in ‘business development’, ‘innovation’ or who were experienced leading the development of ‘commercial strategy;’ someone who could advise and challenge them in relation to how they can diversify their income and transform the delivery of their services. 

Previous Board experience was not necessary - what was more important was their understanding of transitioning from a small to a medium sized organisation and stakeholder complexities.  Ideally, they were also looking for people who had ‘lived experience’ i.e. witnessed or had personal experience of CPR or an interest in wider health and patient care
 They needed to share RCUK’s passion for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, and be able to commit approximately 10-12 days’ worth of time to the role each year and to a 3 year term.

What TPP did

TPP worked with our marketing, fundraising and health divisions, utlising their networks by sending a targeted mailer to candidates who had insight, transformation and innovation expertise asking if they’d consider being a Trustee.
Based on the specific skillset we were looking for we knew we had to extend our search out of the charity/non profit sector and look at commercial organisations. We carried out extensive research to identify entrepreneurial digital businesses which had seen real growth, publishing companies that had been through digital transformation and healthcare online businesses that had both B2C and B2B customers. We identified and implemented a highly targeted headhunting campaign approaching 37 potential candidates.  

We received 16 formal applications and 33 expressions of interests.  

  • 7 applications via direct headhunting
  • 2 applications via our database
  • 7 through online marketing

Based on the understanding of innovation, commercial strategy or business development 10 were longlisted for assessment by the TPP team and these candidates were interviewed against competency-based criteria that had been designed for this role. Those that not been trustees before were guided as to what was required and signposted to free trustee governance sites so there was a real understanding of the role and time commitment. 

An in-depth report was submitted with a recommendation to interview 5. 

Shortlisted candidates were then offered a pre chat with the CEO or Chair.   

They were also given pre interview advice on how to prepare for a Trustee interview.

All 5 were interviewed by the RCUK panel. The interview format included a presentation “Ten minute pitch – Why am I the right match for RCUK” and was followed by informal face to face meetings with the CEO and Business Standards Manager afterwards.


What TPP achieved

RCUK appointed two trustees both of which had no prior charity board experience.  

One had been the Innovation lead for a UK digital healthcare provider who had an impressive track record advising the NHS on digital and data policy and had worked on a post-Covid respiratory helpline.  They were an expert in patient experience: they had sadly lost a close family member to cardiac arrest and were passionate about widening public knowledge on how to save lives.

The other was a Senior Vice President for a global information analytics company that helps institutions and professional progress science, advance healthcare and improve performance and were responsible for the growth and commercial operations of the journals publishing house.  They had also been involved in the growth of an e-book business.   They too had had personal experience having witnessed their doctor friend saving the life of another friend whilst both on a trip.


"We were particularly attracted to TPP by their commitment to diversity in their talent search. This was important to us as an organisation, as we seek to represent all the communities that we support. TPP led our recruitment for key roles at both trustee and director level and we were very impressed with the depth and spectrum of the candidates that they sourced for us. It certainly took RCUK's message and offer as an employer to new talent that we couldn't have reached on our own."

James Cant, CEO

  • 020 7198 6000
  • TPP Recruitment, Northern & Shell Building, 4th Floor, 10 Lower Thames Street, London, EC3R 6AF